Thursday, April 19, 2007


I fell on my run this morning. I'm pretty banged up. You don't want to see the pictures.

I was running on Fern St. (not the side-walk) and as Zoe and I ran around a parked car, we must of taken the same exact path, cuz next thing I knew, I heard Zoe yelp and was 1 foot off the ground, on my side, skidding/bouncing in slow-mo. I felt HUGE. Like a giant who made the whole earth shake as the weight of my body hit the ground. Total train wreck. I finally stopped 8 ft down the road, totally in shock. Internally my mind and body let out a scream. I quickly looked up to see if a car was coming and where my keys had landed. A car was just cresting the ridge of the road, but the keys were way behind me. I still had a hold of Zoe, who was on the side walk.
So I pulled myself up. (thinking someone should be running over to me to see if I'm ok. --like those two high school boys across the street, who warm up their car every morning-- but they didn't. And no cars stopped.) "Lord, please bring someone by that I know. or ANYone."

I couldn't bend my right knee. "That's gonna leave a mark." I opened my pant leg where several gouges were bleeding. (and quite a bit of skin was lining the inside of my pant). My palms were also burning. (I had a flashback to Dad chasing the squirrels off the cliff at the Oregon coast) check, check-- no rocks embeded--fuew! Somewhere in there I stopped my stop-watch! =) My elbow also was obviously going to be bleeding, but I figured I wait to look at that until I got home. HOME?! I better start walking. Well at least I'm not that far away-- pretty much exactly a mile. Maybe someone will pick me up. I was so stiff! and "heal, Zoe!" you're killing me by pulling. Heal?! Heal me.

So I started to walk. I made it to Bryant and decided to start running. It actually felt better to run, oddly enough. I probably had soooo much adrenaline pumping through my body, it's no wonder it felt easier to run than before the fall. I almost didn't want to stop! I felt great as we made it to just two blocks away. "walk it in." Maybe I should've kept running?! It felt so good. Nah. I was just happy to be home.

Now I'm curious to see how the bruising will look. and if it'll leave any scars. There won't be any shaving that knee for awhile =( and I'm sure I'll be very sore tomorrow-- if not longer!

Fortunately, no cuts on my face, no need for stitches, no broken bones, no taking out rocks with tweezers, no doctor bills, and no damage to my hips.

Now I'm just tired. and icing my wounds here at work.


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