Monday, December 18, 2006

GRAND finale

I can't believe I've seen 4 Survivor finale's since moving to Walla Walla! Last night's was the BEST! --especially since I had seen most of the season by myself as a recording. So being able to be "back" with the group, in real time, was such a treat! Any one else still thinking about the show?

I hope Becky and Yul get together.

I wish I could be like Ozzie.

How would I do on the show?

You'd have to go over a month without clipping your toenails?! (several other things could end that sentence)

And what about that monthly cycle?!

I wonder how much time you have between finding out that you made the cut, to the actual filming?

Who would I pick for my friend to come visit me? or does it have to be a relative?I'd pick my dad or Tori. Though Joel would be good option too!

Thanks for reminding me about the not brushing your teeth part, Adam. That made the goodbye kiss between Candice and Adam even more sickening!

anyway...just thinking
as usual =)


At 9:38 AM, Blogger Mrs. D_Long said...

yes, I would pick my brother Joel. The other two would make me cry too much and loose my edge/composure. I wonder how long they would have to be on site? And don't they have to keep all the contestants on for the whole bought so that no one knows how long they made it on the show? That would be so weird to not be able to tell anyone how you did.


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