Monday, August 13, 2007

today's highlights

I've been on a real roller coaster of ups and downs recently. Good thing the Lord dropped the words "Ecclesiastes 3" in my head Sat. night while I was sleeping (or not) on the hard ground, under the beautiful stars and meteor showers. I went and looked it up the next morning. To my surprise it was the famous....To everything there is a season (sing it with me)"a turn, a turn, a turn." So this morning as I was journaling about this concept, I decided I should take a turn at writing my own verse. Let's see what I can come up with right now:
a time to work, a time to play
a time to run, a time to sleep
a time to eat, a time to fast
a time at home, a time at camp
a time alone, a time with friends
a time to cry, a time to scream with joy
a time for pain, a time without
a time for hope, a time for doubt
a time to give, a time to receive

Maybe this inspires you to write some yourself! (I know I am going to have new ones come into my head all day-- maybe longer)

Anyway, even though the negatives can really pull us down. Ecclesiastes 3 gives me hope and a promise that God has grace for both and in fact wants us to experience victory (which can't exist without something to conquer!) By writing your own passage like this, I see it as a way of testifying to what God has done and what he's brought you through.

On that note here are my highlights of the day thus far:
seeing on the calendar that this week is payday
Cuddling with Zoey on the couch
journaling in much more depth about Ec. 3
Running for the first time in my new shoes
Tori called me on my way to work
my boss complimented my hair
my co-worker offering me her old dresser and to trade bikes
the newest strongbad email!
a clothing rep. brought us cookies!


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