Monday, June 25, 2007


Well all except for the fact that I didn't do ANY running......this weekend brought a mix of a lot of physical activity! Whoo hoo! It's so good for me. -- most of all mentally ;)
Friday I went on a LONG walk with ME dog Zoe. (it was a beautiful evening) Sat. prayer walk with Zoe, Zoey, and Felicia. Then 4.5 hrs of yard work! --then time to rest with watching Turner & Hooch and Field of Dreams. Stayed up WAY to late for a Saturday night alone. oops! But I was sooooooo excited to go INNERTUBING! --after church on Bill and Pat's boat. There was 9 of us total.
Can I just say that endeavors like that are what I'm all about-- beating my body! Holding on so long and hard that I have blisteres and bruises on my hands,fingers and knees; had my head totally thrown back so hard that I couldn't lift it up because we were going so FAST that looking back at the sky everything was a blur! WOW! It just made me laugh and laugh SO hard when we finally stopped. But I couldn't stop it. The laughter just kept coming out --even when I wasn't making any sound! =) Then also shaking uncontrolably for a long time afterward because I finally released my muscles.
I love the thrill of expending so much strength and energy that I'm totally wasted and envigorated at the same time, when I finally call it quits. (I just wish I was in even better shape so that I wouldn't EVER have to stop--maybe I'm an adrenhaline junkie?!) So much better than drugs or alcohol! And yet I kind of act drunk afterward. Bouncing back and forth between a numb zombie and crazy histerical laughing and talking without inhibitions. Though the fact that Pat probably broke a rib and I got a HUGE three barbed fish hook in my flip-flop-- was pretty sobbering.
So here I am today-- sore and sunburned (not as bad as last year though)-- but it was Sooooo worth it! FANTASTIC RIDE. I crack myself up just thinking about it--all the rides, falls, flips, CRAZY speed, and how I must have looked. ;) Thanks M&D for passing that along in the genes. CRAZY, SILLY, COMPETITIVE, STUBORN... they're all in there. ;) and I wouldn't have it any other way.


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