Wednesday, November 29, 2006

update 2

I am proud to announce that my appartment has now officially become cold enough for me to turn on the heat! (actually too cold) 13 degrees outside will do that =)

But I know that for those of you who have been to my appartment and have been resistant to visit more because it's always too hot........ (hehehehe--agreed)
that time has past! If you would've come by tonight, you would've found me wearing 2 L/s shirts, one 100% poly half-zip, one 100% Journey hoodie, two pairs of ski sox, jeans, gloves, and a stocking cap -- while drinking hot tea and watching "My Cousin Vinny." (with all radiators on and 10 candles burning) --and laughing outloud --repeatedly!

Now, if any of you have visited my parents' house or the house I lived in in Portland.....THAT's more what I'm used to! =)

though, not my first choice.

SO! I'll break out the blankey's and the REAL winter clothing now. Come enjoy it while it lasts~!

Monday, November 27, 2006

now i'm sick

snow adventures. Whoo hoo!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

3 inches and counting

We've got snow and it doesn't show any signs of slowing up.

Good thing I got my snowtires put on friday!

2:00 sounds like a good time to leave and head back to Walla.

My dad and I got stuck in the snow yesterday when we went into the mountains to get us a Christmas tree. Good thing these two guys came along and helped us. I'll post some pictures when I get home. It was beautiful! and getting stuck didn't bother me. I knew that we were going to be ok.

safe travels everyone! and hope to see you soon =)

Friday, November 24, 2006

in Yakima

Always Enough, by Rolland and Heidi Baker.
I'm reading it right now (borrowed from Anne Robinson) and it's great!
I recommend it to everyone.

It's really stiring me up to serve overseas. I miss it. (being in a foreign country-- not the book)

When's the next trip to India? Who else wants to go?

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

more funnies

This one kept me going for a LONG>>> time! (I'm still busting out writing this 2 hrs. later)

By boss's husband gets off the phone and asks, " Melon. Do we know woman by the name of Melon? Melon Johnson?" ...."or maybe it was Helen."

A woman or a man named Melon-- I don't care. THAT will break me everytime!

"I'm going loopy, in here." I'm laughing outloud in my office uncontrolably. and then I'll stop and remind myself again and spit on myself laughing so hard.


I don't even want to know what she looks like!!!!!!!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

new blog

I got some nudging to start a dream blog, so now I have. Please feel free to visit to hear what God is saying to me in dreams.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


One of the greatest quote of the year:
"Blackhills gold is what they use when they run out of pretty."

(from my good friend Joshua Ian Smith)

I was laughing so hard, I wasn't making any noise! I don't think I've ever laughed that hard in Walla Walla.

Thanks Josh. Using one of your own words, "FANTASTIC!" =)
I needed that.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Something new

Here's something new! I finally signed up at the YMCA and today was my first day working out there. I'm excited to get really buff! and have fun too. I love working out!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

this day

This day has gone by SO incredibly slow, it's amazing! I have done SO many things! Plus, I even slept in 'till 10 something. And now it looks like I'm going to go to bed early because I don't feel like cleaning. 1 big high-light before I go... I went on a run with Blue ( Joey and Felicia's dog) -- what a great work-out! I hadn't planned to do that -- having just took a shower and all, but I just dropped by their house and got inspired. He loves me so much -- it's funny! The next place I live in, I'm thinking I'll get a dog. I've been mulling over the idea for the last year and more seriously the last month. --which you know means that I've been considering moving into a place I can have one. A house, with a fenced yard.
Anyway, another high-light for the day was watching THE OFFICE --several episodes (the whole tape) I was laughing out loud PLENTY of times! Mostly at Dwight. (or Stanley) Ooh and the tension of Jim and Pam is killing me. I want so badly for the to get together! They are so cute! Too bad Ryan is no Jim. "Get your own style. You're not Jim." And suprisingly or not suprisingly, Michael has endeared himself to me somehow. I guess I'm not offended by him anymore or something. --plus I like it that his hair isn't so big as it was in season 1 ! He just looks better now. Maybe the writing has toned his character down a little as well. I don't know.


maybe it's just that watching it after MY NAME IS EARL, makes it seem more tame. =)

Well, I really don't want to leave today, but I should. Tomorrow could be great as well.