Sunday, October 29, 2006

I love Jesus

Did you know I love Jesus?!

I do.

He's so great! I don't even know where to begin.
More of you, Lord God!

Keep it coming!

I love you! and he's set me free to do so.

I'm really giddy right now. Can you tell?!


Friday, October 20, 2006


when you're not looking....... I'm writing on my blog =) (hehehehehee)

or shopping on-line!

or wiggling

or thinking

or iching


Thursday, October 19, 2006

times they are a changin'

I don't know what's going to happen next, but something is going to change in my life soon. I just feel really different today. Maybe it already has. I just don't feel as heavy today at work. I had a design breakthrough yesterday at lunch, for one. and my arm hasn't hurt today... so I guess I'll just say that I feel removed and distant from problems. --and I like it. =)

Though I wish I didn't feel so distant from friends. =(

JEFFERY WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Project Runway)

That's probably why I'm so happy. Justice has prevailed!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

Friday, October 13, 2006


break through

I keep hearing these.

Here, lets make them work together.

Teamwork=overcoming= break through=victory!

awesome! Yes! I want to go there!

Feel free to keep coming up with more "filled in blanks" =)

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Fill in the blank. (with as many words as you'd like)

When you're not looking, I('m) _________________.


When you're not looking, I'm hilarious.

When you're not looking, I'm 6' 10".

When you're not looking, I talk to myself.

When you're not looking, I'm a cheetah.

When you're not looking, I am!

etc. etc.

Stretch your imagination/creativity =)

Saturday, October 07, 2006

on a roll

Three major events to show pictures of from the last 5 days:
Tuesday: haircut

Wednesday: late night with Mika

Thursday: flew to Seattle and had a great time hanging out with my brother, Joel.

Friday drove together to Eugene to meet up with the rest of the family to honor my recently passed grandfather with the dedication of a conference room being named after him at the new OML building.

Friday night: bonding with my cousin Hillary! --comparing "Threadless" notes, shopping at 5th street market and watching a Baliwood movie over treats.

I love my family!

Saturday: ran an unexpected 8+ miles with my dad and flew back home. (no presidential look-a-likes spotted)

I love being home!

(though I'm quite confused on what day of the week it is)

Monday, October 02, 2006

speaking of tough




Team Tori pictured above. Actually there was more of us than this-- like 10 more people. AND SHE MADE IT! First marathon for Tori-- check! and I'm so glad I was there for it! I'll post some more pictures when I get them from Nadia. We'll all be in it next year. In the meantime, I should go get that YMCA membership! I'm thinking seriously about running the Seattle half-marathon the Sunday after THanksgiving.--and definately Bloomsday in May--help Dad check another item off his lifetime goal list. =) Anyway, that and running the Vancouver BC marathon in spring 2008, are the farthest things I have planned out for my life. (oh and I guess we have to fit Rainier to Pacific relay in there somewhere, too!) Everything else is pretty much up in the air. (and up to God) Now, back to the day-to-day... I"m getting my hair cut tomorrow!!! YOu know you can count on pics for that! =)