Monday, October 02, 2006

speaking of tough




Team Tori pictured above. Actually there was more of us than this-- like 10 more people. AND SHE MADE IT! First marathon for Tori-- check! and I'm so glad I was there for it! I'll post some more pictures when I get them from Nadia. We'll all be in it next year. In the meantime, I should go get that YMCA membership! I'm thinking seriously about running the Seattle half-marathon the Sunday after THanksgiving.--and definately Bloomsday in May--help Dad check another item off his lifetime goal list. =) Anyway, that and running the Vancouver BC marathon in spring 2008, are the farthest things I have planned out for my life. (oh and I guess we have to fit Rainier to Pacific relay in there somewhere, too!) Everything else is pretty much up in the air. (and up to God) Now, back to the day-to-day... I"m getting my hair cut tomorrow!!! YOu know you can count on pics for that! =)


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