Tuesday, June 26, 2007

yard pics

Here is my newly weeded flower bed with new plants.Can you guess which pot has home grown soil vs. store bought!?

backyard and my newly pruned tree.

Monday, June 25, 2007


Well all except for the fact that I didn't do ANY running......this weekend brought a mix of a lot of physical activity! Whoo hoo! It's so good for me. -- most of all mentally ;)
Friday I went on a LONG walk with ME dog Zoe. (it was a beautiful evening) Sat. prayer walk with Zoe, Zoey, and Felicia. Then 4.5 hrs of yard work! --then time to rest with watching Turner & Hooch and Field of Dreams. Stayed up WAY to late for a Saturday night alone. oops! But I was sooooooo excited to go INNERTUBING! --after church on Bill and Pat's boat. There was 9 of us total.
Can I just say that endeavors like that are what I'm all about-- beating my body! Holding on so long and hard that I have blisteres and bruises on my hands,fingers and knees; had my head totally thrown back so hard that I couldn't lift it up because we were going so FAST that looking back at the sky everything was a blur! WOW! It just made me laugh and laugh SO hard when we finally stopped. But I couldn't stop it. The laughter just kept coming out --even when I wasn't making any sound! =) Then also shaking uncontrolably for a long time afterward because I finally released my muscles.
I love the thrill of expending so much strength and energy that I'm totally wasted and envigorated at the same time, when I finally call it quits. (I just wish I was in even better shape so that I wouldn't EVER have to stop--maybe I'm an adrenhaline junkie?!) So much better than drugs or alcohol! And yet I kind of act drunk afterward. Bouncing back and forth between a numb zombie and crazy histerical laughing and talking without inhibitions. Though the fact that Pat probably broke a rib and I got a HUGE three barbed fish hook in my flip-flop-- was pretty sobbering.
So here I am today-- sore and sunburned (not as bad as last year though)-- but it was Sooooo worth it! FANTASTIC RIDE. I crack myself up just thinking about it--all the rides, falls, flips, CRAZY speed, and how I must have looked. ;) Thanks M&D for passing that along in the genes. CRAZY, SILLY, COMPETITIVE, STUBORN... they're all in there. ;) and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Monday, June 18, 2007

More prayer

Oddly enough my last two remaining biological Grandparents both broke their hips on Friday-- my Grammy Starr is in France on a site-seeing trip and my Grandpa Walter is in CA. Please lift them up in your prayers. Grammy can't come back to the states now for another two weeks due to recovery and re-hab. Lord speed up their recovery MIRACULOUSLY! for your glory. and that these injuries would not permanently rob them of joy, but that they would FULLY recover and live ABUNDANTLY full lives closer to you than EVER before.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Thank you!

I'm back in the game! I talked to two close friends on the phone for a long time last night and I feel much better. a new perspective and a new commision. But still the age old questions remain "how long" and "why me."
I guess everybody is waiting for something. It's just a matter of what you do and think about in the meantime that can make or break you. Thank you for all your support and love. Clearly, I can't do it on my own. Please continue to pray.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

prayers appreciated

I've just got to be real and say that everything is not happy happy in my life. I'd appreciate prayer for peace, wisdom, strength, money, roommates, a husband, and rational/confident thoughts as I wait. I just felt ambushed last night and this morning.
Hope for each new day.

Monday, June 04, 2007


Wow! What a big week and equally big or bigger weekend!
First of all the Lord prompted me to really step out during the week, for his glory! I never could of done it and never would of thought of it without him. But he's all about reconciliation and I am very motivated to be obediant these days. So I called Doug (ex from 2000-01) up and invited him and his wife over for dinner(they just happen to live here in town) with the youth pastors of our church. And then on Friday I got my neighbor's mail. So I went an introduced myself and now their young sons are going to be mowing my lawn regularly. We had a great time talking and getting to know each other over the course of two days and 5 plus hours it took to mow my overgrown lawn. I most look forward to continuing to speak life into their young 12 yr. oldish sons.
And then my parents came for 24hrs of total yard overhall. We finished Zoe's dog run, pulled TONS of weeds, edged the lawn, and planted tons of new plants in the front and side. Dad also went running with me at 6:15am and installed a new bathroom sink and vanity for me upstairs. Oh yeah, and we went to the dump ;). It all looks great. I'll post pictures soon. It was sooooo hot I got pretty sunburned! (ie. 105 plus degrees)
THen Sunday at church was great! It's always so hard for me to leave.
Then the rest of the day I had to talk myself into just sitting around a giant tub of rainbow sherbet and watching THe Sound of Music, because it was soooo hot. I turned on my AC for the first time and will now have to seal up the house to make it more efficiant. My mom suggested I buy a kiddy-pool for the back yard to sit in. I had to drench myself with water before I went to bed, to make it through the night (even though I was sleeping on the first floor). I haven't even attempted sleeping on the second floor for the last two nights. It's miserable up there!
So now that it only in the low 80's today, it practically feels cold! ;)