Monday, February 26, 2007

fired up!


Yesterday's lesson was LOVE YOUR EMEMIES. So timely for personal application to my own life! I can't tell you all the details in this forum, but I'd be happy to tell you in person or on the phone. Not only did this topic bring clarity to current situations, but it also prepared me for an encounter today on my lunch break. Thank you Lord for the transforming work you are doing in my heart and mind! I truely have evidence of it today! Whoo hoo!
I encourage you all to read Luke 6:26-38!

Go be a reflection of Jesus and honor him.


Monday, February 19, 2007

fun weekend

I finally got to go visit my friends and family in Eugene this weekend. They've been waiting for their Christmas presents WAY too long! Here are the highlights: glorious drive down Friday morning, being a guest in two of Tori's PE classes (what a GREAT job!-- in both senses of the word), dinner with Grandma, painting in Tori's new house, 60 degrees morning run, moving Tori out of her old appartment, chatting with her parents and housemates, seeing my cousin perform with her Indian dance class for the Asian Celebration festival at the fairgrounds-- I want that class here!, dinner with Grandma, cousin Hillary, Aunt and Uncle, seeing Hillary's new appartment, reconnecting with family, opening presents, and buying a new printer.

Then to top it off I stopped in Portland to get my 2 new hats from my good friend Nicole of She's pregnant again, engaged, and thriving in her business. What was supposed to be 20min, turned to 2hrs! When you get the two of us together we just get on a ROLE! We could've talked for several more hours. It's so nice to have friendships that last past a couple years out of school! Those are FOR REAL!

(physically painful drive back) BUT I was welcomed home by friends at Verve Sunday game night and learned a new fun one PUERTO RICO! I look forward to playing it again.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

my favorite art today

I'm finally getting to some fun stuff here at work. These two are my favorite. If my client picks either of these, you'll see me wearing it around, cuz I'll order one for myself. Someday I'll get to go back to Hawaii. (He keeps asking me when I'm coming!) =)

Monday, February 05, 2007

#2 BIG step of faith 2007

I made an offer on Saturday and they accepted Sunday!
So I'll be moving soon this month--but only 4 blocks away =)

Now it's time to crunch numbers with the lender and be praying in rentors. I'm thinking it won't be that hard to find two girls from church that would. Let me know if you hear of anybody.

Oh and it also depends on how the inspection goes on Friday.

Thursday, February 01, 2007


Great new cd. I've had it for more than a month, (and I know that it's not exactly new) but yesterday was the first time I really heard it (played it all day at work).

Can anyone else identify? I know Buzz told me to get it practically a year ago-- maybe longer! My favorites are "Golden" (LIKE FROM THE OUTSIDERS!), "The Setting Sun", "The Shadow Proves The Sunshine."

I also found out yesterday that "Late Tuesday" is calling it quits. The end of an era. (Their own words-- which I agree with) So I ordered their 5th cd. I can't wait to get it! The lyrics look awesome. (I remember seeing several of you at one of their shows in a basement of a house in NE Portland some 3+ yrs ago-- but you guys were there to see Bryan Free)~YIKES! weird.

I'll get those pictures up soon. How soon....I'm not sure =) Fortunately I've sold some. Note: the prices will be going down TOMORROW!