Tuesday, December 26, 2006

I'm back

Here are pictures of the greatest high-light of our Christmas-- Spike and Jasper. Anyone know of slightly longer legged versions-- I'd seriously be interested. I've never enjoyed dogs as much as I did this weekend. Big break through for our family (in the land of dogs)

Saturday, December 23, 2006


6 inches of snow fell here in Yakima last night!

anywhere else?

I'll post pictures of our Christmas guests soon. My mom pet sits for her friends when they vaccation for Christmas, so every year we pretend to have pets for a couple weeks =) Last year it was Skippy the cockiteal, this year it's Spike and Jasper.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


after two weeks of going without, I was walking back to work today after my MUCH needed massage lunch break and there on the ground, in a pile of the leaves, behind the Wellness Studio--What did I see?! MY WATCH!
in perfect running condition, laying on it'd side-- not a ding or a scratch. Though Casey said he'd probably stepped on it and I said, "that's a fact."

I scooped it right up and began to run. A woman inside of her car looked stunned. I burst through the door and ran 'round the corner. "I found it!", I yelled, "my Shopko $12" (watch).

Woah! I'm starting to sound like my dad's scavenger hunt clues for our Easter baskets or big Christmas present....

".. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!"

Monday, December 18, 2006

GRAND finale

I can't believe I've seen 4 Survivor finale's since moving to Walla Walla! Last night's was the BEST! --especially since I had seen most of the season by myself as a recording. So being able to be "back" with the group, in real time, was such a treat! Any one else still thinking about the show?...like:

I hope Becky and Yul get together.

I wish I could be like Ozzie.

How would I do on the show?

You'd have to go over a month without clipping your toenails?! (several other things could end that sentence)

And what about that monthly cycle?!

I wonder how much time you have between finding out that you made the cut, to the actual filming?

Who would I pick for my friend to come visit me? or does it have to be a relative?I'd pick my dad or Tori. Though Joel would be good option too!

Thanks for reminding me about the not brushing your teeth part, Adam. That made the goodbye kiss between Candice and Adam even more sickening!

anyway...just thinking
as usual =)

Thursday, December 14, 2006

long days hair too

WOW! Work is coming in like crazy! It seems like more than last year. Fortunately I got a new fancy monitor this week and God on my side to help me have more energy to make it through. Christmas..... I seem to be less involved in celebrating the holiday every year. I feel WAY behind on presents. Fortunately I bought several over a month ago.
61 degrees tonight when I was driving home! That has to be a record for DEC. 14th!

Lastly, I got 4 of my screenprint designs written up for production yesterday! VERY EXCITING! I'm hoping to show a total of 13 at Verve at the begining of '07. Come and see.

I think it's time to get another hair cut. This one didn't last as long. She probably did that on purpose. =)

Sunday, December 10, 2006


Great fun was to be had with my guests. I'm so glad they came! AND it was so relaxing. I've never had visitors who made themselves more at home and then on top of that it felt so natural! I wish they I could hang-out with them every week! Yummy homemade food too. We've now, really bonded. Here are some pictures from our walk in the woods along the south fork of the Walla Walla River (in Oregon). I didn't even know there was a Walla Walla River!
Lastly, having Adam over for dinner and playing Therapy (the board game) was icing on the cake! Great memories made together THIS weekend. And you KNOW I love depth of conversation! What a big lift to my spirit. Thank you!

Friday, December 08, 2006


my good friend from college (Lori) and her husband (Jonathan) are coming to Walla Walla TODAY! I'm excited for our weekend together. I'm SURE that you will next be hearing about our adventures together. I can't wait! --hopefully some pictures too =)
but before they get here, I'm going to Apocolypto with "the guys" (you know who you are), tonight. I hope it's worth the money.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

classical music

I got inspired Sunday afternoon to breakout the "100 greatest" classical music cds from my mom. I even brought some to work this week. It kinda gives a different spin on things. Sometimes it even cracks me up! b/c they are SO famous they have specific references that are NOT typical for my typical day. --like the wedding march or Pomp and Circumstance or the United Airlines theme song. Stuff like that =)

I guess it's also the closest thing I have to something Christmas-y.

Saturday, December 02, 2006


Just to clarify... my appartment is not forever doomed to be cold now this winter. That was just what it felt like when I first turned on the heat. No fear! It is now plently warm in here on a regular basis. =)