Thursday, September 27, 2007

duty called

It's official-- I've been summoned for jury duty-- Oct 2nd. I'll let you know how it turns out.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

count down

A week and a half 'till the Marathon! Please be praying for me. I'm hypersensitive right now to not getting hurt or sick, so that I can make it to the BIG day. I twisted my other ankle yesterday, which kinda freaked me out, but I'm sure it's going to be ok. (but I'd appreciate your prayers for healing) I'm just glad that Capture the Flag is AFTER the marathon, so I can play!!!! I've got a lot of things that bring me great joy in my life right now and I'm very thankful. I'm trusting that EVEN the huge property tax bill will be covered and that God will also cover me if he wants me to do jury duty in Oct. I'm actually quite curious to be called in. ;)
Salina living with me is also a great blessing. I can see how God is working this all together.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

the stress and joy of today

Here's my big accomplishment for the day. I made this in 2 hrs. The customer is expecting to have it on shirts and in their hands Friday! It felt like I was holding my breath all morning while I was making it. YIKES! But now I can breath. I like how it turned out. Fuew!

Monday, September 17, 2007

special suprise

Rebecca Davis (formerly known as Rising) is coming to visit me this week! (Sat. and Sunday) She just called me last night. And as we thought back on it... we haven't seen each other is 2.5 years!!!! crazy! She was one of my closest friends, teammate, and roommate in college.

Here's a couple pictures from those days. (the first ones I could find--and they happen to be bookends: Spring Formal our freshman yr. and a friday night our senior yr. when we snuck into a local highschool football game and then played on the elementary school playground toys) . . .memories ;)

Friday, September 07, 2007

carpet & paint!

Thank you to everyone who made this beautification process possible! You've taken my house to a whole new level. (the colors are quite accurate here though-- some are too purple?!-- weird)

And of course Zoe had to plop herself down to pose for each room--silly! (there's LOTS more where these came from) Enjoy! ;)

good things

1. The Marathon is exactly 1 month away!
2. All my new carpet is in--not to mention newly painted rooms too!
3. It's the weekend! (awhhh, finally!)
4. We've been having TONS of new business at work-- maybe I'll get a raise?
5. My new housemate, Salina Ray, is moving in TOMORROW!
Just in time!

Praise the Lord!