Wednesday, April 16, 2008

retreat pictures

As I was saying:

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

evolving hair

This is the greatest hair cut EVER! Even though I feel like I say that everytime, this is the best yet! It's so easy AND cute.

ALSO, I just had the greatest weekend ever! I went on a retreat in the mountain with about 20 people from church. There was 7 feet of snow, but it was practically 60 degrees! We wore shorts and t-shirts to go sleding and cross-country skiing. We also ended up worshiped God until 2:30 in the morning-- dancing, making up songs, playing any kind of instrument or percusion item we could get our hands on. Then we drove home Sunday afternoon in time to go play my first soccer match EVER at 4:15-- we WON!!! I had so much fun. It was a scorching 80 degrees, but I was totally in good enough shape to stay in a lot of the game since we only had 2 subs. I was so glad I had watched so many soccer games and practices (thanks to Joel's elementary career!) My housemate Lish is on the team too.

Monday, April 07, 2008


Time for a new hair cut. Here are the pictures of the final product, Wed.

It's still too cold here though.