Tuesday, May 29, 2007

still just me and Zoe

and scars leftover from our famous fall.

I would also have posted a picture to document my run last night with Jenny and Rand, but it would be completely black =) approx.6 miles to Rooks park. We got back to my house at close to 11pm. It was sooooo exhilarating! It felt like nothing! A great end to a very boring and uneventful Memorial day. Unless spraying weeds is your favorite way to spend your holiday.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

new friends

This last weekend was unintentionally all about meeting new people. Zoe won.
She met: Kirsten, Kalua, Tevin, Andrew, Jeannie, Ray, Buzz, Mary, Kyanne, Tori, Debbie, Nadia, Tammy, Heather, Dee, Mary's mom, and tons of people at Mary's birhtday party.

We met: Sam, Sophia, Sun, her 7 friends, Judson, Becka, a little girl and her parents at the waterfront, Ben, Andy, Andrew 3&4, Max, Taren, Leah, Megan, ....I'm blanking on finishing off all the names of Tori's Ultimate teammates

I met: the Home Depot watering girl, the man who backed his Escalade into my car

I'll try and write about all the great stories soon. My favorite were playing with Sam and Sophia in the backyard for over an hour with Zoe; playing hopscotch for several hours with Sun and her 7 friends from Korea-- apparently Hopscotch is an international game-- along with rock, paper, scissors-- I had no idea!; watching Tori's city league Ultimate team win their championship game! (and BBQ afterwards)--they're all UofO students.; watching Zoe make so many friends-- people even offering me money for her or wanting to keep her; waterfront lunch; jumping up and down shouting like crazy with Kyanne and Mary watching the Bachelor finale; feeling small town; and no pets allowed. BUT BEST OF ALL GETTING HOME and taking Zoe on a run at Bennington Lake. No leash law!!!! and back home to the sunshine!

the brave one ;)

Friday, May 18, 2007

Eugene is calling me.....

I'll be so close! I don't think I can hold myself back.
I think I'll just take an extra day off from work and come back Tuesday afternoon. I should make the most of this opportunity, right?!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

more pics

I forgot to post more of these pictures of my house. Here's the kitchen and backyard back in April. And a picture of Zoe today. I promise to take picture in Portland-- though the weather looks to be rainy =( I like all the sun I'm getting here in Wally world though!

Friday, May 11, 2007

accidents in the air

I know I just made a new post 20 min ago, but this I have to mention!
I've just seen 3 major accidents in 18 hrs, all within a mile of each other, 2 on Poplar, 1 on Alder, (basically the same street) between my work and my house!
What's up with that?
I guess all this sunshine is bringing out the worst in drivers' logic. frying their brains or something! yikes! Watch out WALLA WALLA!

A Portland Vacation is a comin'

Mary invited me to come celebrate her birthday with her. Whoo hoo!
I officially got it cleared yesterday to go to Portland in two weekends. (18th-21st) It's been forever since I went JUST to Portland. probably since last year's Portland Marathon.
PLUS, I'm bringing Zoe! I can't wait for her to meet all of you. Good thing Mary has a fenced backyard. Call me if you want to get together. My plans are pretty much WIDE open. I want to see as many people as possible. Hope to see you soon!

Monday, May 07, 2007


What a great race! So much fun. Beautiful course. 44,000 people. a family affair. and I'm thinking a new tradition! Too bad Dad tripped on a median so soon after we started or our time could of been even more fantastic. Fortunately we had Joel the resident Sport Psychologist to encourage us to finish strong and together. We finished as a family: 1hr.4min and 36 seconds. averaging approx. 8:40 per mile. Very satisfying. Here are some pictures.