Sunday, July 30, 2006

muffin and a glass of water

So I took a walk this evening with a costco muffin in one hand and a glass of water in the other. I had a lot of people look at me weird. It was cool. I made friends with a 4 year old on his bike who asked me why I was walking in the street and scared 2 men half-to-death. Ok, maybe not that much, but they were pretty wigged out. So I just kept on walking. It was so nice out. I walked about 8 blocks to Micah's. Fortunately, he was home. And then I cried that Tori was gone. Fortunately, they are a very funny family, so that didn't last for long.

Here's a picture of us at church this morning. You can't tell, but my arms are so sore that I had a terrible time trying to change my clothes, let alone shuffle a deck of cards. I LOVE it! I'll be back out on the water the next chance I get, holding on for dear life and slammed up and down as I get pulled behind a boat on whatever I can get my hands on, for the rest of my life!

Tori said, "how can something like that be good for you? It's like being in minor car accidents, repeatedly!"
"I don't know." I never thought about it being bad for me, cuz it's so ENVIGORATING!!!!!!!
and makes me laugh histerically! My Favorite!

(don't worry. she wasn't knocking it. She loved it too!)

When she or Kirsten sends me her pictures of us on the inner tubes, I'll post them.

Did I mention that I have a bruised chin?! and innertube burn in 5 places? =)

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

in the beginning

So this is a new thing for me. Thanks for inspiring me Cherise!
My best buds from college are coming to visit me this weekend. I'm sure I'll have plenty to write about after they leave. Family camp and all.... and just plain funniness that comes along with it. And then there's my birthday coming up.... and more races and Holy Spirit encounters and testimonies of my adrenaline addiction.... you name it!
here's to the beginning of a blogging new year! (27th to be precise)